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Truck Choices
Choices Choices....
We offer only the best, all designed to perform the best on the boards.
Below you can find descriptions of the trucks and how they ride.
Completes come with your choice of trucks, just pick from the drop down menu on the completes page.

fastrack trucks 180mm Tracker Fastrack

Flippable Hanger
Grade 8 Kingpin
Carving Tight turns
Stable Geometry
Old/New School
Silver and Black

A new school truck from an old school company. These new trucks are the latest in innovation from Tracker, new for 2011 the fast tracks really shine in their versatility. All you have to do is pic your color.

Carving, Sidewalk surfing, Pools, Commuting

Charger Trucks

10" Chargers Black/Silver

Old/New School
Grade 8 Kingpin
Black /Silver
Stable Geometry

An Excellent truck, they ride smooth but carve deep, they are excellent for dodging pedestrians on the city streets and hills.


Carving, Hills, Commuting, Campus

Alpine Trucks 10" Gullwing Alpine

Light Weight
Grade 8 Kingpin
Stable Geometry
Wide Hanger
Old School

Like the name suggests these babies are great on the hills. they were one of the first downhill trucks and are still a strong choice for many down hillers.

Downhill, Carving, Cruising, Slalom

Randall Trucks 180mm Randall R-II

Flippable Hanger
Grade 8 Kingpin
Carving Tight turns
Stable Geometry
Old/New School

Randall's are one of the best all around trucks. They carve deep are stable and their special bushing formula keeps the transitions smooth. These trucks are great for the city and the occasional hill.

Carving, Sidewalk surfing, Pools, Commuting


Not just a superb ride it’s SuperGreen too...

The world's fasting growing SuperGreen plant, it takes only 5 years for a stalk to mature, compared to 100 for maple. It is also an excellent converter of CO2, converting more than 8 times that of trees. Bamboo is an amazing 17% harder than standard maple, making this one excellent material for long boards.

SuperGreen Boards uses a very low VOC epoxy to laminate the boards, reducing toxic fumes emitted into the environment. Currently technologies are being developed in soy polymers which will revolutionize the green movement.

We are currently testing a fiberglass alternative made from finely woven strands of bamboo. We also use scraps of real fiberglass that were intended for the trash.

SuperGreen Boards
is dedicated to bringing
the cleanest technology
to long boarding

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